Guy Benson Bio, Wiki, FNC, Age, Education, Height, Family, Wife, Children, and Career

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Written By Harry James

Harry and Sandra write engaging articles on trends in Tech, Lifestyle, and more.

Hey there, news junkies and political aficionados! Today, we’re diving headfirst into the fascinating world of Guy Benson, a name that’s been buzzing in the political commentary sphere. If you’ve ever tuned into Fox News Channel (FNC) or scrolled through, chances are you’ve come across this charismatic journalist. But there’s so much more to Guy than meets the eye. So, grab your favorite beverage, get comfy, and let’s unpack the story of this media maverick!

From Saudi Sands to American Airwaves: Guy’s Early Years

Now, you might be thinking, “Wait, didn’t you just say Fox News?” Yep, but our story starts in a place you’d least expect – Saudi Arabia. That’s right, folks! Guy Benson was born on March 7, 1985, under the scorching Middle Eastern sun. Talk about an unexpected beginning for a future American political commentator!

But don’t worry, Guy didn’t stay in the desert for long. He soon found himself on U.S. soil, where he’d begin his journey to becoming the media personality we know today. Growing up, Guy was just like any other American kid – well, except for maybe having a bit more geopolitical dinner table conversations than most!

Guy Benson Education: Sharpening the Mind 

Every great journalist needs a solid foundation, and Guy’s was built at Ridgewood High School. But it was at Northwestern University where he really hit his stride. Picture this: a young Guy Benson, walking the halls of the prestigious Medill School of Journalism, soaking up knowledge like a sponge. In 2007, he graduated with honors, proving he had the brains to back up his broadcast ambitions.

But Guy didn’t stop there. Oh no, this guy’s thirst for knowledge is real. He’s been a Media Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution and a Visiting Fellow at Harvard University’s Institute of Politics. Talk about an impressive resume!

Climbing the Media Ladder: Guy’s Career Milestones

Climbing the Media Ladder: Guy's Career Milestones

Now, let’s get to the juicy stuff – Guy’s career. It’s been a wild ride, and it all kicked off in 2013 when he joined the Fox News Channel. But Guy isn’t just another talking head. He’s got range, baby!

Here’s a quick rundown of Guy’s media domination:

  1. FNC Contributor: Offering political commentary that’ll make you think.
  2. Host of “The Benson Show”: Catch him on Fox News Radio, weekdays from 3-6 PM.
  3. Political Editor at Where he flexes his writing muscles.
  4. Author: Co-wrote “End of Discussion” – a book that’s anything but the end of the discussion!

But wait, there’s more! Guy’s not just impressing his bosses; he’s catching the eye of some pretty big names in the industry. In 2015, Forbes said, “Hey, this Guy’s going places!” and put him on their ’30 under 30′ Law & Policy list. Then in 2017, the Huffington Post gave him a nod as one of their top 25 millennial broadcasters. Not too shabby, eh?

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Breaking Barriers: Guy’s Personal Journey

Now, let’s talk about something really important. In May 2015, Guy did something incredibly brave – he came out as gay. In the world of political commentary, especially conservative commentary, this was huge. It’s not every day you see someone challenge stereotypes and expectations like that.

But Guy’s story gets even better. In 2019, he tied the knot with Adam Wise. Love wins, folks! This just goes to show that Guy Benson isn’t just talking the talk on air – he’s living his truth off air too.

The Benson Effect: Impact on Political Commentary

The Benson Effect: Impact on Political Commentary

So, what makes Guy Benson stand out in the crowded world of political commentary? It’s his unique ability to balance conservative viewpoints with LGBTQ+ advocacy. He’s living proof that people are complex, and political views don’t always fit into neat little boxes.

Guy’s perspective is refreshing. He challenges both sides of the political aisle to think critically and avoid knee-jerk reactions. In a time when political discourse can feel like a shouting match, Guy’s approach is like a breath of fresh air.

Fun Facts and Trivia of Guy Benson

Full NameGuy Pelham Benson
ProfessionPolitical commentator, radio host
Age39 years
Height5 feet 7 inches (170 cm)
Weight70 kg (154 lbs)
Twitter Followers281.1k
Instagram Followers25.9k
Facebook FollowersOver 4,000
Notable TraitValued for intellectual contributions

Show Me the Money: Guy Benson’s Net Worth

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “All this success must mean Guy’s doing pretty well for himself, right?” Well, you’d be right! While we don’t know the exact figures (Guy’s not one to brag), estimates put his salary somewhere between $70,000 and $125,000. And his overall net worth? We’re talking somewhere in the ballpark of $1 Million to $5 Million. Not too shabby for a guy in his 30s!

The Voice Behind the Mic: Guy’s Broadcasting Style

The Voice Behind the Mic: Guy's Broadcasting Style

One of the things that sets Guy apart in the crowded world of political commentary is his unique broadcasting style. He’s not your typical shouty pundit. Instead, Guy brings a refreshing blend of intellect, wit, and measured analysis to the table.

On “The Benson Show,” you’ll find Guy tackling complex political issues with a clarity that’s hard to come by these days. He’s got this knack for breaking down complicated topics into bite-sized pieces that even political newbies can digest. It’s like he’s your smart friend explaining politics over coffee – informative, but never condescending.

But don’t mistake his calm demeanor for a lack of passion. When Guy believes in something, he’s not afraid to stand his ground. He’s been known to engage in spirited debates with guests from across the political spectrum, always keeping it respectful but never backing down from his principles.

Guy’s Take on Hot-Button Issues

Now, you might be wondering, “What does Guy actually think about the big issues?” Well, buckle up, because Guy’s views are as nuanced as they come.

On economic policy, Guy tends to lean conservative. He’s a big advocate for free markets and limited government intervention. But when it comes to social issues, that’s where things get interesting. As an openly gay conservative, Guy challenges traditional right-wing stances on LGBTQ+ rights.

Here’s a quick rundown of some of Guy’s positions:

  • Fiscal Policy: Supports lower taxes and reduced government spending
  • Healthcare: Advocates for market-based solutions
  • LGBTQ+ Rights: Supports same-sex marriage and non-discrimination protections
  • Foreign Policy: Generally hawkish, supports a strong U.S. presence on the global stage
  • Climate Change: Acknowledges its reality but favors market-driven solutions over government mandates

Remember, these are just broad strokes. Guy’s views are often more complex than simple left-right categorizations.

The Power of the Pen: Guy’s Writing Career

While we’ve talked a lot about Guy’s on-air presence, let’s not forget he’s a talented writer too. As the Political Editor at, Guy regularly pens articles that dive deep into the political issues of the day.

His writing style mirrors his broadcasting approach – clear, concise, and always thought-provoking. Whether he’s dissecting the latest Congressional bill or offering commentary on a Supreme Court decision, Guy’s articles are a must-read for anyone looking to understand the conservative perspective on current events.

And let’s not forget his book, “End of Discussion,” co-authored with Mary Katharine Ham. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill political tome. It’s a witty, insightful look at how outrage culture is stifling genuine debate in America. If you’re tired of the shouting matches that pass for political discourse these days, give it a read. You might not agree with everything, but it’ll definitely make you think.

The Future of Guy Benson

The Future of Guy Benson
The Future of Guy Benson

So, what’s next for Guy Benson? Well, if his track record is anything to go by, the sky’s the limit. Here are a few possibilities:

  1. Expanded Media Presence: Don’t be surprised if you see Guy getting more airtime on Fox News or even branching out to other networks.
  2. Another Book: Given the success of “End of Discussion,” it wouldn’t be shocking to see Guy pen another political book.
  3. Political Run?: While he hasn’t expressed interest, many commentators eventually make the leap into politics. Could we see “Guy Benson for Congress” signs in the future?
  4. Podcast Empire: With his radio experience, Guy could easily expand into the booming podcast market.

Whatever path he chooses, one thing’s for sure – Guy Benson will continue to be a prominent voice in American political discourse for years to come.

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How many children does Guy Benson have? 

Guy Benson hasn’t disclosed if he has any children.

Is Guy Benson in a relationship? 

Yes, Guy Benson is married to Adam Wise.

Where did Guy Benson go to college? 

Guy Benson graduated from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism.

When did Benson get promoted? 

The exact date of Guy Benson’s promotions isn’t publicly known.

Final Words

Hey there! Let’s chat about Guy Benson, the Fox News whiz kid who’s shaking things up in political commentary. Born in Saudi Arabia (wild, right?), this 39-year-old journalist has come a long way. He’s crushing it at Fox News Channel, hosting “The Benson Show” on radio, and writing up a storm at 

Guy’s not just smart – he graduated with honors from Northwestern – he’s also breaking barriers as an openly gay conservative. With a hefty net worth and a happy marriage to Adam Wise, Guy’s living his best life. Whether you’re nodding along or raising an eyebrow, one thing’s for sure: Guy Benson is a name you’ll want to remember in the political world.

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